
“A heart at peace gives life to the body” (Proverbs 14:30).

Do you have headaches, high blood pressure and fatigue? Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you feeling lonely or hopeless?

These physical and emotional symptoms could be the result of too much stress in your life. They are loosely labeled “burnout.” Sadly, they are symptoms of the age in which we live.

In burnout, people also have trouble concentrating and remembering things. They struggle with anger and often overwork.

To combat burnout and recover our countenance, we need to try to put our lives back in balance. There are four things that help me.

1. Exercise. Exercise improves your brainpower and your stamina. Exercise is really hard to do in the enormously crowded city where I live, but I try to walk often, 12 to 15 miles per week.

2. Laughter. Laughing changes my mood and can affect my whole day. Laughter can turn a stressful situation into something manageable.

3. Friendship. Take time to share, not just talk with family and friends. Have someone you can say anything to . . . and who will never, ever tell!

Spend time in God’s presence. Just be there. You don’t have to say anything. Meditate on Him, review your values. Remember to whom your life belongs.

This is what Jesus once told me: “Remember, Kim, you only have to do what I tell you to do. The only voice you have to listen to is mine.”

Kimberly Snider is a missionary to the Philippines.

From “Moments for Moms,” a free email subscription.
Copyright (c) 2003 Women’s Ministries of the Assemblies of God.


Maxim of the Moment

Rare is the one you can long hold dear.