Dear Pastor

I am extremely sorry my family and I missed Sunday School and church this past Sunday. I was not feeling well, thought I might be coming down with something and did not wish to infect the church. In addition, we sat up and watched the late, late movie and didn’t wake up on time. When we realized how late it was, we knew we’d never get to Sunday School on time. We really planned to come to the church service, but just as we were getting ready to leave, company came in from out of town. They weren’t dressed for church and we couldn’t just rush off and leave them. My wife feels bad she didn’t call and get someone to teach her Sunday School class.

That afternoon we decided to go for a ride and show our friends the sights. We were sure we could get back with our guests in time for Sunday evening service. As a deacon, I remember you said something about a brief but important meeting after the service. But before we could get out of the driveway, our silly boat hooked itself to the car and began pushing us toward the lake! I didn’t even realize the fishing equipment was in the boat till we were almost there. If I hadn’t steered the car, that crazy boat might have pushed us right into the lake! While we were there, we thought we might as well launch the boat. That boat took off but luckily there was a long rope attached that I caught hold of. That boat drug me all over the lake and I might have gotten hurt had I not had on my water skis.

Well, somehow the time just slipped away and we realized we could never get back in time for church. We figured that since we were already late we might as well bake and eat some of the fish we caught. I’m really sorry I missed your message Sunday night but hope you had special prayer for all that that were absent.

We’ll sure try to be there next Sunday, if nothing happens and the weather holds. However, my grass is getting really high and I hear the fish are biting up in the mountain lakes.

Faithfully Yours,

Brother Half-baked

Maxim of the Moment

Raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed. - Mia Hamm