Psalm 142

David was in trouble.  He was surrounded by his enemies and inhabiting a cave.  He had every flesh reason to despair, to give up.  But he didn’t give in to the flesh.  Instead, he surrendered his problems and his emotions to the Lord.  His confidence was complete in the Lord.  He knew that even though it seemed impossible and that no one could help him, the Lord knew in full the situation and circumstances that faced him. 

What about us?  When we have every flesh reason to give up, to quit, to walk away, what will we do?  Is our confidence and faith in the Lord such that we will not give in or give up, but rest in and hope in the Lord?  If we want to walk in God’s way, we must determine that we will run the full course, no matter what life throws at us.  In predetermining this in our hearts, we strengthen our resolve and we allow the Holy Spirit access to these areas in our lives.  We become the vessel when we apply what we have chosen. 

Choices face us daily, and the decisions we make should not be based on circumstances or passing desires or anything else—it should be based on our predetermined decision to live for the Lord and in His will no matter what.  There is no one else we can depend on as wholeheartedly as on the Lord.  Everyone else is prone to fail us—that doesn’t mean they will, but they will be faced with the opportunity to fail us.  If they do, what then will be our guide?  What will be our refuge and our source?  It must be the Lord above all.

—Mark Knoles

Maxim of the Moment

Love’s demise is indifference.