
Bible Facts

You cannot benefit from a Bible you do not obey. Jessie James carried a well-marked New Testament in his pocket constantly, proving that just reading it will not save you. The solution is not in Bible reading but in Bible application. Read your Bible until it falls apart. A Bible that is falling apart is usually owned by a person who is not.

Acts Acrostic

Here is an easy way to remember what is contained in the 28 chapters of Acts. The sentence, “Ascended Lord Sent Peter And Paul,” contains 28 letters, just as many as there are chapters. The acrostic is formed by the first letter of the first word in the sentence and serves as a brief chapter summary.

The Weapons of Our Warfare

Read this great passage. It’s a fight to the finish for you and I. But Satan is already defeated by Jesus Christ. So if he is, why must I as a Christian continue to fight?

Romans 8 and the Spirit of God

Notice the word “therefore” at the beginning of this chapter. This bespeaks a continuation of Paul’s thoughts. Chapter seven was Paul’s old life. Chapter eight is his new life in Christ.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

“Blessed are those which are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” Believers are not invited to a slumber party or a bar mitzvah, but a wedding feast—with Jesus as the faithful Groom.

Things Which Can’t Be Shaken

The concept of “shaking” something means to test its permanence or show its instability. The point of this verse is to depict what is permanent as contrasted with what is temporary and transitory. Ask yourself, what is truly timeless? What can never be taken away from you?

Excuse List for Lost People

When we witness to people we need to realize that people will resist the Gospel of Jesus. Here is a list of reasons people often give for not giving their hearts to Christ.

The Lord’s Prayer

This prayer is called “The Lord’s Prayer” because the Lord Jesus gave it to us. The best one word description of this prayer is beautiful. It is powerful, simple, brief, clear, universal, comprehensive and complete in itself. It is short and sweet. All prayer is epitomized in this single prayer. It is Jesus’ “Mission Statement.”

Maxim of the Moment

A bad husband cannot be a good man.