Mark 13:  Christ’s Olivet Discourse

1. To what building was Jesus referring when He said
      “ not one stone will be left upon another? ”  13:1-2

2. Name four disciples who asked Jesus concerning the sign of the end-times. 13:3

3. What did Jesus warn us about in 13:5?

4. Who will many men claim to be in the last days?  13:6

5. What are we not to be troubled about, according to 13:7?

6. Before the end comes, where must the Gospel first be preached? v. 10

7. According to 13:11, who will guide our speech when we are handed over to evil men?

8. According to 13:12, describe what will happen to families in the end-times.

9. According to 13:13, what is the reward for those who remain faithful to Jesus?

10. What Old Testament prophet is referred to in 13:14?

11. According to 13:21, what are we not to believe?

12. According to verses 24-25, what will happen in the heavens?

13. What is mentioned in 13:6 that is also referred to in 13:22?

14. What person will finally arrive, according to 13:26?

15. What type of tree is referred to in the parable in verses 28-29?

16. What will and what will not pass away according to 13:31?

17. Who alone knows the complete plan and time-table of the end-times? 13:32

18. Chapter13:36 concerns the topic of “watchfulness.”  True or False

19. What one-word command does Jesus give at the very end of this chapter?

Maxim of the Moment

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers