Jesus: The Great Corrector of Theology

Jesus’ corrections often follow some erroneous statement by a person, disciple, or religious leader.

Here are 40 examples, but there are many others.

The following PRESUMPTIONS are represented by the letter “P”.
Jesus’ CORRECTION is represented by the letter “C”.


P: The hypocrites pray aloud.  Mt. 6:5-7
C: Jesus says, “Go into your closet to pray”.

P: If a man commits murder, he’s in danger of judgment.  Mt. 5:21-24
C: Jesus says, “He murders even if he’s angry with his brother”.

P: Don’t commit adultery.    Mt. 5:27-28
C: Jesus says, “Don’t even look at woman in lust”.

P: An eye for eye is legitimate revenge.  Mt.5:38-42
C: Jesus says, “Turn the other cheek”.

P: Love your neighbors and hate your enemies.  Mt. 5:43-44
C: Jesus says, “Love your enemies”.

P: The scribes and Pharisees tell Jesus eating with unwashed hands defiles a person.  Mt. 15:1-11
C: Jesus says, “What comes OUT defiles: not what goes IN”.

P: A Canaanite woman begs Jesus to deliver her daughter.
      His disciples say, “Send her away”    Mt. 15:22-28
C: Jesus says, “Her faith causes Me to grant her request”.

P: It is normal to want to “gain the whole world.”  Mt. 16:26-27
C: Jesus says, “If you do, you’ll lose your soul”. 

P: Jesus is accused of casting out demons through satanic powers.    Lk. 11:14-18
C: Jesus asks, “Why would Satan want to cast himself out”? 

P: The Lord is informed His family wants to see Him.    Mk. 3:31-35
C: Jesus says, “Those who do my Father’s will are my family”.

P: Merchants buy and sell things in the Temple.  Lk. 19:45-47
C: Jesus chases them out, verifying His Father’s house is a house of prayer. 

P: Jesus is asked if it is lawful to pay taxes to Caesar.  Lk. 20:20-25
C: The Lord says, “Give to the government what is theirs and to God what is His”.

P: The Pharisees say Jesus is not from God because He eats with sinners.  Mt. 9:10-13
C: Jesus says, “It is those who are sick that need a doctor”. 

P: John the Baptist asks Jesus to baptize him.  Mt. 3:13-15
C: Jesus asks John to baptize Him instead.

P: Peter tells Jesus not to go to the cross.  Mk. 8:31-33
C: Jesus tells Peter: “Get behind Me, Satan!” 

P: John the Beloved tells a man to stop casting out demons in the name of Jesus.    Mk. 9:38-40
C: Jesus says, “He who is not against us is for us”.

P: Lawyers and Pharisees ask Jesus if it is legal to heal on the Sabbath.  Lk. 14:1-5
C: Jesus asks: “If your ox falls into the ditch on the Sabbath, would you rescue it?”

P: The Pharisees say, “Moses said it’s lawful to divorce.”  Mk. 10:2-9
C: Jesus says, “Only because of your hard hearts did God ever allow it.”

P: The Pharisees come to Jesus seeking a supernatural sign.    Mt. 16:1-4
C: Jesus asks, “How can you predict the weather…. but not the signs of the times?”

P: Jesus is asked to select the greatest commandment.  Mt. 22:34-36
C: Jesus quotes Deut. 6:5 & Lev. 19:18 – to love the Lord with all your heart and to
    love your neighbor as yourself, for every commandment is based on these two.

P: Pharisees ask Jesus who would be the husband of a certain woman in the afterlife.  Mt. 22:23-30
C: Jesus says, “In heaven no one is married, but are like the angels”.

P: A lawyer asks Jesus, “How do I get eternal life?  Who is my neighbor?”  Lk. 10:25-37
C: Jesus responds by telling the parable of the Good Samaritan.

P: The disciples ask Jesus, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”  Mt. 18:1-6
C: Jesus says, “We must humble ourselves like this child”.

P: People bring their children to Jesus and the disciples rebuke them for it.    Mk 10:13-15
C: Jesus says to allow it.

P: The Pharisees are offended when a sinful woman anoints Jesus.  Lk. 7:36-50
C: Jesus responds with the parable of two men who were forgiven debts,
      thereby illustrating God’s mercy to forgive her sins.

P: At the Transfiguration, Peter says, “Let’s build three Monuments here”.  Lk. 9:28-35
C: The Father Himself instructs them from heaven to listen to His Son.

P: Lazarus dies, but Martha is convinced he will rise again one day.  Jn. 11:23-26
C: Jesus affirms that He Himself is the resurrection and the life. 

P: Although Jesus heals a man, the Jews say it is illegal for him to carry his bed home
      on the Sabbath.  Jn. 5:8-17
C: Jesus says, “My Father is working and I am also working”.

P: Jesus heals a man who is born blind. The Pharisees ask if they too are “blind”.  Jn. 9:1-41
C: Jesus says, “Because you say you can see, your sin remains”.

P: Jesus’ disciples cry out for Him to save them in the storm.  Mt. 8:25-26
C: Jesus says they have little faith.

P: Some scribes call Jesus a blasphemer.  Mt. 9:2-6
C: Jesus says, “You have evil hearts”.

P: A man’s daughter dies.    Mt. 9:18-26
C: Jesus says, “She is only “sleeping”.   

P: The disciples admire the beautiful temple area.  Mt. 24:1-2
C: Jesus says, “Someday not even one stone will be left on another”.

P: John the Baptist asks his disciples to confirm that Jesus is actually the Messiah.  Lk. 7:18-23
C: Jesus says, “Tell John that the blind see and the lame walk”.

P: The chief priests and scribes say it is wrong to regard Jesus as the Messiah.  Mt. 21:15-16
C: Jesus asks, “Have you never read that out of the mouth of babes will come praise”? 

P: Peter asks if he should forgive a brother seven times.  Mt. 18:21-22
C: Jesus suggests four hundred and ninety times.

P: A woman requests that Jesus allow her two sons to sit on His right and
      left hand in His kingdom.    Mt. 20:20-23
C: Jesus tells her she does not comprehend what she’s asking.

P: The disciples tell Jesus the crowds that came to hear Him are hungry
      and suggest He send them away.    Mt. 14:15-16
C: Jesus says: “You feed them”.

P: Peter promises he will never deny Jesus.    Mt. 26:33-35
C: Jesus tells him, “Tonight you’ll deny me thrice”.

P: Jesus is accused of DESTROYING the Old Testament prophecies.  Mt. 15:17
C: Jesus states He has actually come to FULFILL them.


Because the Holy Spirit is perfect and makes no mistakes, we must allow the Holy Spirit to correct our theology.
When He whispers to us in His still, small voice….will we listen, obey, and change our doctrine?
As we keep our ear tuned to His Spirit, we become increasingly sensitive to His instructions.



Maxim of the Moment

Success in marriage isn’t finding the right person: it’s being the right person.