03: Leviticus: The Book of Sanctification

Man is neither worthy to approach God on his own merits, nor is he able to devise a way to reach Him through his own ingenuity. It was therefore essential that regulations first be established before orderly worship was possible. The book of Leviticus derives its name from the Greek word Leuitikon, meaning “that which pertains to the Levites.” While Leviticus serves as a handbook for Levitical priests, it is also a guidebook for Israel, directing them in service, sacrifice, worship and obedience. The first seventeen chapters of Leviticus instruct the Israelites concerning the acceptable way to approach God and the remaining chapters teach Israel how to live as a holy nation in continuous fellowship with Him. 

Leviticus supplies details concerning burnt offerings, meal offerings, peace offerings, sin offerings, trespass offerings and their regulated use. It lists Israel’s feast days, holy days, and provides direction regarding their observance. Leviticus is valuable because it instructs Believers in generosity, fidelity, compassion, honesty, justice, gratitude, praise, expiation, and restitution.

Many passages in Leviticus are symbolically predictive, looking ahead to promises only the Messiah can fulfill. The book clearly reveals how our gracious God will accept a substitutionary death as payment for sin, giving prophetic insight regarding Jesus as our Great High Priest (Heb. 9:28). The blood sacrifices point to Christ as the Lamb of God, while the Hebrew worshippers foreshadow New Testament Believers. With its emphasis on sacrifice, holiness and atonement, Leviticus serves as a worship manual for all people.

Essay Questions

1. About what year was Leviticus written, where, and by whom?

2. Describe Aaron’s high-priestly responsibilities and activities.

3. Study the five offerings in Chapters 1-7 and state the lessons Believers can learn from each one.

4. List the feast days and holy days found in Chapters 23–25 and give a summary paragraph for each.

5. What is the significance of holidays Believers observe today, such as Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas?

6. What does John the Baptist call Jesus in John 1:29? Compare and contrast this verse with Revelation 5:6-13; 7:9-17 and 21:14-23.

7. What does the consecration and dedication of the Levitical priests teach about Christian service?

8. List ways in which you can make your home a more sacred and holy environment. Name things you need to eliminate or appropriate.


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