Coping With Depression

Getting started:

There are six major causes of depression:

1. Physical
2. A sense of loss
3. Depressive environment
4. Poor self-concept
5. Spiritual failure
6. Spiritual warfare

Take a moment and ask yourself if you have experienced or are presently going through depression arising from any of these sources.  It helps to identify the source before getting to the solution.

Mark 14:32-42





1. Don’t isolate yourself. What will you do this week to connect with others and come out of isolation?  Be specific.









2. Share your feelings. Who do you have that you can talk to:  List 2 to 3 people that you feel you can talk to about how you are feeling.  Determine now when you will talk to them about how you are feeling.



3. Pray. Are you praying for God to help you accept what has been thrust on you?  Make a prayer list.

List the things that you would ask God to change.
List the things that you can change.
List the things that you need help accepting or dealing with that you cannot change.




4. Eliminate all bitterness and unforgiveness. Are you keeping a sweet spirit in a difficult season?  List any bitterness you have toward God, others or circumstances—then release that resentment to God in prayer daily.




5. Rise to action. What would you be doing today if you were not depressed?
Get control of areas of life you can change.
Do something you enjoy every day.
Talk, talk, talk.
Make a list of things to do.
Get involved in doing something for someone else.


Maxim of the Moment

He who speaks ill of his wife dishonors himself.