The Good Husband

The Good Husband…

Is purpose-driven. Knows that a bad husband cannot be a good father. Is self-disciplined. Manages time efficiently. Allows nothing to distract him from his goals. Is often found on his knees in prayer. Prioritizes constantly. Perpetually self-evaluates.
Is dependent on the Holy Spirit. Works from God’s agenda and not his own. Is transparent. Can laugh at himself. Is predictable. Isn’t moody. Realizes his leadership must be validated by his wife. Has joy in the marital journey. Thinks more about his vocation than his vacation. Is accountable. Accepts responsibility. Knows what is expected of him. Works for his wife with excellence. Offers creative ideas for environmental improvement and implements them. Welcomes positive change. Knows you cannot lead others simply by good intentions but by your character. Assumes responsibility for the effectiveness of his family. Is a man of discernment and discretion.

The Good Husband…

Is consistent. Admits mistakes. Has both the ability and willingness to improve himself.
Looks for what will bring the best results in his marriage. Is willing to give up everything except responsibility for his actions. Realizes his integrity has dynamic, influential value. Desires to possess true integrity, not just build an image. Is aware that image is what others think he is and integrity is what God knows him to be. Is open to new ideas his wife and family suggest. Has imagination. Exercises. Eats healthy. Is teachable. Studies God’s Word. Is cognizant of the fact that his leadership is closely linked with his personality. Knows he has to live in integrity before he can lead in integrity. Is a man of one primary book: the Bible. Applies the Word to his work. Firmly believes he can trust the Bible for family leadership principles. Is crystal clear about his own beliefs. Brings his family to church consistently. Is generous. Doesn’t fear the unknown. Is willing to make commitments and keep them. Takes initiative. Has a crystal clear focus concerning the principles and practices that guide his home.  Is accountable to the Lord.

The Good Husband…

Is not self-serving. Is an optimist. Knows a positive attitude is his most valuable asset. Understands that his attitude affects the atmosphere of his home. Realizes leadership has more to do with his disposition than his position. Has learned that what happens within him is more important than what happens to him. Is not driven by resentment, anger, fear, materialism or the need for approval. Is motivated and prepared. Bases his identity in Jesus, not himself. Has character, charisma, commitment, competence and courage. Knows being an effective husband is not accidental. Is sensitive. Avoids procrastination, mediocrity and complacency. Celebrates victories within his family. Maximizes the potential of his wife and children. Recognizes that true leadership is developed by God’s Spirit (Zech 4:6). Doesn’t try to satisfy his wife more than God. Does not allow his success at the workplace to define him at home. Knows that leadership involves the capability to influence his family toward specific goals. Promotes human dignity. Takes an aggressive role in developing, expressing and defending godly family values. Understands how Biblical truth, properly understood, guide and shape marital behavioral patterns. 

Maxim of the Moment

The height of your accomplishment will equal the depth of your convictions. - William Scolavi