Psalms and the Theme of Mercy

1. Read I Samuel 24:4-6. To whom did David show mercy in this passage?


2. Read I Samuel 26:5-11. What person did David show mercy to in this passage?


3. From David’s “Psalm of Thanks” in II Samuel 22, print the first half of verse 26.


4.  What do Psalm 18:25 and II Samuel 22:26 have in common?


5. According to Psalm 18:50, what person did God extend great mercy to?


6. In the King James Version, what word precedes the word “mercy” in verses 25:6 and 40:11?

7. According to Psalm 103:8, what does the Lord have an abundant supply of?


8. All throughout Psalm 136, what phrase is repeated?


9. What does the Psalmist sing about in 89:1?  What phrase does he use?


10. According to Psalm 37:21, what must the righteous do?


11. God’s great mercy is extended toward those who do what in Psalm 103:11?


12. What is “married” to mercy in Psalm 85:11?  (See also 89:14)


13.  What attribute or characteristic of mercy is listed in Psalm 100:5?


14. What is listed as an attribute or characteristic of mercy in 109:2?


15. List all the attributes of God listed in 145:8.



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