Psalms and Joy

1. Where did the Psalmist go to—with joy? 42:4 ____________________________

2. Who shall rejoice in the strength of the Lord? 21:1 ___________________________

3. Name the fruit of the Spirit that best fits this assignment. Galatians 5:22 _____________________

4. In Psalm 97:8, who rejoiced and why? ____________________________________

5. Who should be joyful? 5:11 ____________________________________________

6. Who should shout for joy? 132:9 ________________________________________

7. Who should sing for joy? 67:4 __________________________________________

8. Print out the entire verse of Psalm 32:11




9. In Matthew 25:21, what did Jesus indicate that we should seek to “enter into”?


10. What must you do in order to rejoice? 105:3________________________________

11. What does the Psalmist call upon to rejoice? 96:11______________________

12. What did David want restored to himself? 51:12____________________________

13. Where do we find joy? 16:11_______________________________

14. What should I offer to God? 27:6 __________________________________________

15. What is to be our attitude when we come before God? 95:2


16. What causes Jesus to rejoice? Matthew 18:13   ________________________________

17. What did the Psalmist rejoice in? Psalm 119:162_______________________________

18. For what time-period did the Psalmist want his joy to continue? 90:14


19. “They that sow in tears” shall do what? 126:5 ________________________________

20. According to Psalm 5:11, who should rejoice and why?


21. In 13:5, what reason does the Psalmist give for praising the Lord? (See also 20:5)


22. Under what should you rejoice? 63:7___________________________________

23. In his little letter of III John, verse 4, what brought John the greatest joy?


24. For what reason does the Psalmist rejoice in 31:7? _________________________

25. What group of people rejoices in both 40:16 and 70:4?


Maxim of the Moment

Success in marriage isn’t finding the right person: it’s being the right person.