08: Ruth: The Book of Redemption

This book bridges the era between Judges and Samuel. Set in the apostate period of the judges, the beautiful story of Ruth confirms that faithfulness to God is richly rewarded. This Moabite widow turns from idolatry to relocate in Bethlehem and serve the true God, proving that Gentiles are included in His plan of salvation.

Boaz represents the Messiah as the great Kinsman-Redeemer and Ruth is a type of the Church. As a type of Christ, Boaz is related by blood to the ones he redeems and is willing and able to pay the price of redemption. Ruth and Boaz become the great-grandparents of King David, through whose royal lineage the Messiah came.

Essay Questions

1. From her conversations with Naomi, describe the priorities and characteristics of Ruth. Why did she remain with Naomi? Describe Ruth’s attitude toward Naomi and their relationship.

2. Sketch a map of the geography of the book, showing the region and the distance between Moab and Bethlehem.

3. Why did Orpha return to Moab?

4. From Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, explain why the corners of Israeli fields were not harvested. What group of people benefited from this?

5. What does Ruth request from Boaz in chapter three?

6. Write a portfolio of Boaz. Describe the development of his relationship with Ruth.
What principles regarding respect and honor can be learned from him?
In what specific ways does the book of Ruth safeguard the sanctity of marriage?
7. Compare Matthew 1:3-6 with Ruth 4:18-22. Why is this genealogy significant?


Maxim of the Moment

God will bless the man who blesses his wife.