05: Deuteronomy: The Book of Preparation

Deuteronomy was written by Moses at the end of Israel’s forty years in the wilderness. The Greek word Dueteronomion means “Second Law,” but the book is actually an amplification of previous laws for the benefit of the new generation about to enter the Promised Land.

The theme and purpose of the book is to remind Israel of their covenant relationship to God. It consists of a series of three farewell messages by Moses. He reminds them of God’s faithfulness in the past and states that all future blessings depend on their obedience.

<> In his first message, Moses reviews God’s mercy and provision for Israel throughout their journey from Sinai to Moab (Ch. 1-4).

<> In his second message, he provides an exposition of the Ten Commandments, as well as ceremonial, civil, and moral laws (Ch. 4-26).

<> His third message renews and ratifies Israel’s covenantal relationship with Jehovah through admonitions, exhortations and warnings (Ch. 27-30).

<> The remainder of the book records Moses’ final ministry and the transference of his leadership to Joshua (Ch. 31-34).

Deuteronomy also includes pragmatic instruction concerning justice, treatment of the poor, property rights, holy days and festivals, sexual morality, and submission to authority.

Essay Questions

1. What story of failure is reviewed in Chapter 1: 22-38? What lessons can be learned from this tragedy?

2. List the Ten Commandments recorded in both Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. What details differ in each list?

3. List the instructions regarding holy living in chapter seven and demonstrate how they apply tor 21st century Believers. Name things that can become “idols” in people’s lives.

4. What do Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal represent? List the curses and blessings given from each mountain (Deut. 27-28).

5. Scan the book of Deuteronomy and summarize the lessons regarding God’s holiness and sovereignty.

6. Summarize the attitude Moses portrayed throughout the book. What things does he emphasize?

7. Study the word “covenant” in several Bible encyclopedias, concordances and Bible dictionaries. Provide an expanded definition of this term.

8.  List every exhortation and warning given in “The Song of Moses”  (Ch. 32: 1-43).


Maxim of the Moment

I’d rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate. - George Burns