33: Micah: The Book of Accountability

God called Micah to prophesy primarily to the Southern Kingdom, but the prophet also condemned the sins of the Northern Kingdom and witnessed its demise. Because they refused to repent, God’s judgment fell on Judah as well as Israel.

Micah was a statesmanship, literary expert, reformer, and evangelist. He emphasized God’s justice, righteousness, consistency, empathy, compassion, sovereignty, and commitment to His covenant. Micah ministered to the common people, reminding them of God’s faithfulness and the need for moral responsibility.

The prophet’s messages reflect the nation’s prevailing corrupt condition as he champions the cause of the oppressed. He focuses on the social injustices of the ruling class and their exploitation of the poor. He scolds dishonest businessmen, bribe-taking judges, idolatrous priests, and false prophets.

The final two chapters are written in the form of a debate between God and His people, inviting both Israel and Judah to reason with Him concerning their behavior. Although he announces Judah’s coming judgment for their sins, he also presents a message of Messianic hope. Both nations will be defeated and exiled, but he assures the people of the preservation and blessing of the faithful remnant.

Essay Questions

1. What was the primary sin of Samaria, and what was God’s judgment upon them (1:2-7)?

2. Summarize His judgment on Judah (1:8-16).

3. List the reasons for Judah’s approaching punishment (Chapter 2).

4. How will evil leadership be dealt with (Chapter 3)?

5. Describe the promises regarding the King and His kingdom (Chapters 4 and 5).

6. What two pleas does Jehovah make in 6:1-8 and 6:9-7:6?

7. List the numerous questions asked in the book of Micah, found in 1:5; 2:7; 4:9; 6:3; 6:6; 6:7; 6:8; 6:10; 6:11; 7:10 and 7:18).

8. Summarize the meaning of the verses quoted in Matthew 2:5-6 (Micah 5:2) and in Matthew 10:35-36 (Micah 7:6).

9. Comment on the verse regarding God “casting all our sins into the depth of the sea” (7:19). Contrast this verse with Hebrews 8:12 and Isaiah 38:17. 

10. Micah’s messages stress the need for godly leaders. Write a concise paragraph concerning the need for integrity, godliness, and ethical behavior in Christian leadership.


Maxim of the Moment

Divorces are often caused by two people madly in love with themselves.